Almighty ever loving and living, our heavenly Father who created us with LOVE, and our God loves you, and bless you, and his only Son our LORD Jesus Christ save you from all your sins, and our loving and living Holy Spirit of our LORD Jesus be with you always to protect you from all evil things of this world, and guide you and lead you always according to his Holy Word that our beloved Father and our God says to all of us “ Because you are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you,
Almighty ever loving and living, our heavenly Father who created us with LOVE, and our God loves you, and bless you, and his only Son our LORD Jesus Christ save you from all your sins, and our loving and living Holy Spirit of our LORD Jesus be with you always to protect you from all evil things of this world, and guide you and lead you always according to his Holy Word that our beloved Father and our God says to all of us “ Because you are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you,